Staff Parking

If you’re driving to work, there are plenty of staff parking options at London Stansted Airport. You’ll find designated staff parking bays at Enterprise House – the airport’s main office building – and in four of the airport’s main car parks: Coopers End, Cargo, TEX, and Long Stay. So you have easy access to the terminal building, wherever you’re working.

Car parks

Enterprise House is the nearest staff parking area with reserved bays, disabled bays, and liftsharing bays available. Parking spaces at Enterprise House are limited, so you'll usually be allocated a space in the Coopers End car park, and added to the waiting list for Enterprise House - you'll be transferred when a space becomes available.

If you need a disabled bay permit, please contact: You'll need to provide supporting documentation, such as an Occupational Health Report or Risk Assessment. (Please note: Due to data protection, copies of such documents will not be retained on file.)

We do reserve some parking parking spaces at Enterprise House for occasional visitors and exceptional circumstances. If you need to apply for a reserved parking space at Enterprise House, please contact: Billing is charged to the employer, so if you're an employee you'll need to get Line Manager approval before you apply.

Coopers End car park is one of our largest staff parking areas - new staff will usually be allocated a parking space here. A shuttle bus operates from Coopers End to Enterprise House, running every 15 minutes, 24/7.

If you need a disabled bay permit, please contact: You'll need to provide supporting documentation, such as an Occupational Health Report or Risk Assessment. (Please note: due to data protection, copies of such documents will not be retained on file.)

Cargo car park gives access to VP1. It's approximately a 10-minute walk from Cargo car park via Enterprise House to VP2.

Priority is given to Swissport and other ground handlers for this car park.

Please note: Transfer requests for Cargo car park are permanent, and your car will not be transferred to any other airport car park thereafter.

TEX car park is primarily utilised for MAG operational staff. To request a parking space at TEX car park, please email:

If you need a disabled bay permit, please contact: You'll need to provide supporting documentation, such as an Occupational Health Report or Risk Assessment. (Please note: Due to data protection, copies of such documents will not be retained on file.)

Long Stay car park is primarily used by MAG employees for holiday parking. However, it's also used as an overflow during busy periods, or when all other staff car parks are at capacity - so it's possible you'll be assigned a parking space here as a new member of staff, and added to the waiting list for Enterprise House. You'll be transferred when a space becomes available.

A shuttle bus operates from the Long Stay car park to Enterprise House, running every 15 minutes, 24/7.

Additional information

If you're visiting Enterprise House, even as a London Stansted Airport employee, you'll need to request visitor parking at Enterprise House.

Please contact and include the visitor name, car registration, and parking date in your email. Your request must be made at least 72 hours in advance to guarantee a space.

For other enquiries about visitor parking, please contact:

Stansted Airport employees are entitled to 28 days' holiday parking per year. To make a request for holiday parking, please email and include:

  • Name

  • ID number (top right of your ID card)

  • Date and time of arrival and return

  • Vehicle registration

  • Phone number

We require a minimum of seven days' notice for holiday parking, and can only book three months in advance.

Level 1 – All staff will be allowed to park for up to 36 hours at any time in any of the car parks.

Level 2 – Extended Stay Pass – Staff will be allowed to stay for up to 120 hours. Staff must apply for a pass from the Commuter Centre. This application must be accompanied by a letter of consent from their line manager. These managers may be contacted and the requirement reviewed. If granted, staff must display the commuter pass clearly in their windscreen at all times.

Level 3 – Indefinite Pass – Staff will be allowed to park for as long as required. Staff must apply for this pass from the Commuter Centre. This application must be accompanied by a letter of consent from their line manager. These managers may be contacted and the requirement reviewed. If granted, staff must display the indefinite pass clearly in their windscreen at all times.

This is for staff who work between the hours of 18:00 to 8:00 or weekends only. To apply, your employer must send an email including a copy of your shift pattern to cover a minimum of six weeks.

  • Please park within the designated bays and lines.

  • Yellow hatched areas must be kept clear at ALL times.

  • Vehicles must not obstruct roadways or pedestrian pathways at any time.

  • Do not park in restricted bays for permit holders at any time i.e. disabled, reserved & lift share.

  • Please note, all permits must be displayed on the dashboard of a vehicle for monitoring purposes and to avoid parking violation warnings or in some cases a ban.

  • All liftshare members must be registered to the scheme and have a minimum of two people sharing a car. All members must arrive and depart at the same time displaying the correct permits.

  • The maximum stay within any staff car park is 36 hours.

  • Holiday parking is not permitted in any of the staff car parks.

  • Any person ceasing employment must hand in their ID pass to the ID Unit, located on the ground floor of Enterprise House. Please note, it is an offence to leave without any notification.

  • For further information on any of the above, please contact the Staff Parking Team by emailing

liftshare card image


Reduce fuel costs, improve your carbon footprint, and be part of the MAG community by sharing lifts with your colleagues.

image of a pedestrian street, with a glass building to the right and a bus pulling into a stop on the left, there are people walking along the street

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